I have such grand ideas for redecorating my home (thanks in part to
Pinterest), but a very small budget to do anything right now. So I have decided I'll have to do some repurposing. My favorite thing right now? Glossy white spray paint! It can take almost anything with a dated feel and turn it into something fun and fresh! Here are a couple of things I did last week and I love how it turned out!
The owl (a long time obsession of mine) was my grandmothers. It has sentimental value to me, but doesn't go with my vision for my home at all. The chicken...well...for a time I had a rooster/chicken themed kitchen...again, my tastes have changed and I prefer not to have any sort of actual themes anymore. But, with a little facelift, I think it can still fit into my mish mash style.
It's amazing what a coat of white paint can do! (I also found another one of my grandma's owls to add to my collection) So, before you toss stuff away, think about it! Try it! Although, I warn you, now I am looking for anything else in my home to spray paint...it's a bit addicting! lol
In other news, the heat has finally gone here in Kansas! The temps have been anywhere from the upper 40's and low 50's in the mornings to perfect 70's and 80's in the afternoons! We have spent so much time outside this last week! This is what my boys have been doing:
Tate...he's obsessed with blocks and building everything he can imagine lately...maybe he'll grow up to be an architect? :)
Miles...my sweet, silly Miles. This is his laugh...he wrinkles his nose and he snorts...Love. It.
And of course, I can't let you all off without some bit of scrappy goodness! This is another school layout...1 of 3 that I will be teaching at the scrapbook store this Saturday. If you're local, there are a couple of spots left last I checked! I lifted the idea of listing the books he read from my friend
Laura Vegas. If you scroll down a bit on her blog, you can see her layout!